My New Year’s resolution is to start a blog and stick to it. I’ve tried writing blogs in the past but they tend to fizzle out quickly. I’m thinking maybe the problem is that I usually write about my entire life in general, which is a lot of information to cover, and let’s face it, mostly not that interesting even to me. This time I’ve narrowed it down to one topic that is near to my heart: Food! More specifically, I plan to write about kid-friendly food. Now, I don’t claim to be a super skilled chef, but I do like food and preparing it for my family. I make it every day, 3 times a day, so I figure I’m bound to pick up some good meal ideas along the way. Still, I can’t count how many times I make what I think is a delicious meal only to have my 3-year-old scoff at it and say “I don’t like that,” without even trying it. It drives me bonkers! So I’m going to share my adventures in food with you. Some will be tasty, and some probably not so tasty, but hopefully interesting. I’ll regularly post my meals and my family’s reactions to these meals. If you have any amazing recipes that you think my family might like, please share them with me and I’ll try them out and post the result on my blog for others to see.