Peanut-butter and Jelly Roll-ups


A fun twist to your classic peanut-butter and jelly sandwich. It’s real hit with kids.

Take a slice of whole wheat bread, cut off the crusts, roll it flat with a rolling pin. Spread on peanut-butter (or any nut-butter, we like almond butter) and your favourite fruit jelly. Roll it up like a jelly-roll.

Cole wants to eat peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches practically every day, and I was getting a little tired of making them the same old way every time. This is a fun way to make a sandwich more interested. You don’t have to limit yourself to peanut-butter and jelly; try using any of your favourite sandwich fillings. You can even cut the roll up into sushi-like pieces. Cole is always asking for roll-ups for lunch now, he loves them.

-Idea from ‘Feed me, I’m Yours’

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Welcome! I’m Megan.

My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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