Wow, so you know what I just realized? Today is the 1-year anniversary of this blog! I knew I started it sometime last January but I thought it was later in the month for some reason. I was curious and decided to check the date of my first post and wouldn’t you know it, it was a year ago today, Jan 2nd! So in honour of my blog’s birthday, here’s a bonus post for today with a list of my top 10 posts, selected by most views. This will be my 233rd post. Not bad for one year. I had no idea that starting this blog would ignite such a deep passion within me for food. It has transformed cooking from a chore to an enjoyable and addictive hobby for me. I can’t thank all of my followers enough for your support and encouragement during this wonderful year. I look forward to many more yummy posts to come.
Thanks again everyone, and be sure to check out my other post today too: Banana Flax Waffles…and a Linky!