Guest Post by Jay: Bok Choy and Bacon Chow Mein

My 4 and a half year old daughter Ariel is fascinated with wacky vegetables. It all started after her class took a trip to the market during a unit on fruit and vegetables. One that she found very funny was ‘bok choy’ or ‘butt choy’ as she kept accidentally calling it. Of course us laughing made it a running joke and she insisted we have some for dinner.
This recipe is super easy, and one of my ‘crazy night’ meals that pleases everyone around the table. Everyone always wants seconds, including my 19 month old son Xander who holds out his bowl demanding more. In fact its hard to have leftovers with this dish, so be warned, haha.

4-5 slices of bacon (chopped into bite size pieces)
5 cups of chopped bok choy
chow mein noodles
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1/2 tsp minced garlic
2 eggs

In a wok, cook the chopped up bacon until it softens. While doing this, cook the noodles in a separate pot and drain. Save them until later in the recipe. Add the chopped bok choy to the bacon in the wok and continue cooking until the stalks are translucent. Add the cooked noodles, oyster sauce and garlic. Cook and keep stirring until heated thoroughly and coated with oyster sauce. Add the eggs and stir in until cooked. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Written by my incredibly talented friend Jay, who is a photographer, cake decorator, graphic designer, and mother of two. You can find more from Jay at, and her blog at


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My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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