Frozen Yogurt-Coated Grapes

Frozen Yogurt-Coated Grapes | Food & Whine

Easter’s almost here and the kids are getting excited about all the candy that the Easter Bunny is going to be bringing them…oh goodie. Okay, so I’m a little less thrilled about the whole candy thing than they are. It’s not that I don’t like candy, but it seems like we are bombarded with sugary treats at every holiday.  Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from candy and enjoy something relatively healthy that still seems like a treat, like these frozen grapes covered in vanilla yogurt. When you decorate them with a light dusting of sprinkles, they look like tiny Easter eggs!

Yogurt Grapes

Of course, you could have these without sprinkles if you want to be even healthier, but it makes a fun Easter project to do with your kids if you let them help decorate the grapes with you.


The boys were almost as excited about this snack as they are about candy. Cole doesn’t look that excited in this photo, but he actually was pretty impressed with my creation.  He told me I should sell them.

Our mischievous black cat, Hunter, also wanted to be a critic. It was hard to take any photos without the cat trying to steal the grapes. This cat lives for food. Clearly, he belongs with our family.

Yogurt Grapes

The best part is that they’re really easy to make. All you need is vanilla yogurt (I used Yoptimal by Yoplait), grapes, and sprinkles.

Wash the grapes and pat them dry, then dip them in a bowl of yogurt to coat them. Scoop them out with a fork, and tap the fork on the edge of the bowl to remove the excess yogurt.


Place the coated grapes on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.


Now comes the fun part. Once you’ve made as many as you want, you can decorate them with sprinkles.


Pop them in the freezer for a few hours until the grapes have frozen solid. Transfer them into an airtight freezer-safe container in a single layer. They melt fast, so only take out one serving at a time and eat them right away (that won’t be hard, trust me!).


If you’re looking for more creative food ideas for Easter, here are some fun ones from Life Made Delicious:

Easter Bunny Cake

Easter Chick Cupcakes

Cheesy Easter Shapes

Easter Cookie Sandwiches

Disclosure: I am part of the Life Made Delicious Blogger Program through Mom Central Canada and I receive certain perks as part of my affiliation. Opinions are my own.

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Welcome! I’m Megan.

My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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