Design Your Own Cereal: Review & Giveaway

Create Your Own Cereal with Review & Giveaway

Have you ever eaten cereal from a box and thought, “This is pretty good, but I bet it would be even better with a little bit of this and maybe a little less of that…” Wouldn’t it be great if you could customize your cereal exactly the way you like it?  Well now you can do just that at a fun site called  You get to customize everything, from the ingredients to the package and labels.

They offered me a chance to create two of my own custom tubes of cereal, so I let my 2 boys be my testers. They each navigated the website themselves to built their own cereals, and had a lot of fun being “cereal artists.”

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Welcome! I’m Megan.

My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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