Snack Ideas with New Reese Spreads #DoYouSpoon

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Have you seen the new peanut butter chocolate Reese spreads? Or better yet, have you tried them? They recently arrived in major grocery and retail stores across Canada. I notice them every time I’m grocery shopping lately, practically calling my name. I’m a sucker for Reese Peanut Butter Cups, and this new spread is based on them, so I knew I had to try it. As fate would have it, I had the chance to try samples and share my experience with you, my lovely blog readers. So I agreed, of course. You know, for the sake of the blog and all. Okay, okay, I just really wanted an excuse to try Reese Peanut Butter Cups in spread form.

I’ve been experimenting with Reese Spreads since our samples arrived, and I’ve discovered some pretty tasty flavor combinations for snacking. One thing we all agreed on was that this spread is really sweet on its own. It’s great as a treat, but for everyday snacking, I like to mix it with other things to tone down the sweetness.

Make a fantastic fruit dip by mixing 1/2 cup of Greek Yogurt with a spoonful Reese Spreads. This is my new favourite way to eat apples.

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