Cranberry Coconut Blender Pie


Cranberry Coconut Blender pie drizzled with white chocolate. A super easy and impressive holiday dessert.

I’ll start this off with a quote from Jack Handy (I love his Deep Thoughts): “When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it’s not, mmmmmmmm, boy.”

I love pie and would happily go to pie heaven, but I’m awful at making pie pastry. It just never turns out well for me no matter how many different ways I try to make it. I’ve pretty much given up, so now I use store-bought pastry, or better yet — a whole store-bought pie. Sometimes I get to enjoy homemade pie from my relatives who are far more talented at pie-making than I am. And other times, I like to make blender pie, also known as Impossible Pie.

Coconut Impossible Pie is the most common one, but I also like to make Pumpkin Impossible Pie. I love that everything goes into the blender, and when you bake it, it magically forms its own crust. With the coconut version, you actually get three magical layers — the crust, a custard center, and a crispy golden coconut topping.

I saw this gorgeous Impossible Saskatoon Berry Pie from The Kitchen Magpie and fell in love with the idea of adding berries to Impossible Pie. My new version has cranberries and a generous drizzling of white chocolate. I think it would make a fabulous Christmas dessert because it’s very festive-looking. Best of all, it’s so ridiculously easy to make but it looks and tastes like you put a lot of effort into it. That’s my kind of pie!

Cranberry Coconut Blender Pie drizzled with white chocolate. A super easy and impressive holiday dessert.

The Whine Critics totally loved this one. They were hovering around as I photographed it, just dying to dig into this tempting cranberry pie. Cole stole a few cranberries, but I think he didn’t realize how sour cranberries are on their own! The sweet coconut and white chocolate balance the tartness of the berries nicely.

I should add this important note: use a deep dish pie plate! Do not be like me. I don’t have a deep dish pie plate (how is this possible??) so I tried to cram all the ingredients into a regular pie plate. I had a feeling it was going to overflow, so I put it on a baking sheet. Thank goodness for that! Of course, it overflowed, and a lot of it spilled onto the baking sheet. It was still tasty, but just not as pretty as it could have been. My pie was messy, but I pretended that’s the look I was going for, and covered it up with even more messy and uneven white chocolate drizzles. Let’s just call it a beautiful mess.

Cranberry Coconut Blender Pie drizzled with white chocolate. A super easy and impressive holiday dessert.

Cranberry Coconut Blender pie drizzled with white chocolate. A super easy and impressive holiday dessert.

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Welcome! I’m Megan.

My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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