Unicorn Frozen Yogurt Slices


My kids and I are big Starbucks fans. Our Saturday morning routine is to go grocery shopping and stop at Starbucks afterwards for a treat. They look forward to it every week, and so do I. So when the Unicorn Frappuccino craze happened, we were eager to try them. Since then, it seems like everywhere you turn, it’s Unicorn this and Unicorn that.  Of course, I had to jump on the bandwagon for this particular trend, because I was the ultimate unicorn fan long before all of this. My parents will tell you I had a huge collection of unicorns when I was a kid. I was unicorn-obsessed! My mom actually kept some of my unicorn collection, and now Ayla has them in a special corner of her room next to her own collection of ponies and horses.

I decided to make a healthy frozen treat using the pink, white, and blue colours from the Unicorn Frappuccino. I’ve seen frozen yogurt bark recipes, so that was my original inspiration, but then I pulled out a tart pan and froze it in that so I could cut it into slices instead. This might be a bit of a stretch, but I was thinking the triangular slices could be sort of the like unicorn horns.

This is a really simple recipe, using only 2 ingredients. Well, 3 ingredients, if you count the optional sprinkles. It’s just fruit puree and yogurt, but by serving it in this fun way, the kids gobbled it up! It’s a great healthy summer treat.

Ayla loved it, and so did Cole, although he’s lactose intolerant, so he loved it with his Lacteez tablets! Bennett was not completely won over, but he ate it. He wasn’t a big fan of Unicorn Frappuccinos either. He was so excited to try the Frappuccino when it came out, but I think he found it somewhat of a let-down when he actually tasted it.

If you have leftover yogurt and fruit puree that doesn’t fit in the pan, it makes yummy popsicles! I alternated yogurt and fruit puree into popsicles molds and they were a big hit. Also, if you don’t have a tart pan, you can use a baking sheet and break the frozen yogurt apart to make frozen yogurt bark, which was my original idea.

My kids couldn’t wait until it froze completely solid to try this, so we ate it a little bit soft. I put it on a plate and they ate it like a pie. I had a slice later when it was fully hardened, and ate it like a slice of pizza in my hand. I recommend holding it with a piece of paper towel  so it doesn’t get your hands messy.

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My kids like to whine, especially when it comes to the food they eat, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make tasty and healthy meals for them. Follow along as I share family-friendly recipes and reviews from my picky family members, who I lovingly call “The Whine Critics.” Read More…

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