Morning Coffee “Mugshot”

Post your morning coffee mugshot #PCMugshots

This is me drinking my morning coffee in my favourite mug. Isn’t it pretty? We received a set of them as a wedding gift almost 12 years ago. I’m so proud of myself for managing to keep this mug intact for that long! (Just watch- now that I’ve said that, it’ll probably break.)

I often have to reheat my coffee several times in a morning because I’m busy rushing to get the kids to daycare and school. I guess I could put it in a travel cup instead, but there’s just something so nice and comforting about wrapping my hands around a good mug of coffee.

Check out these other great “mugshots” from Personal Creations, then share your own using the hashtag #PCMugshots. It’s such a fun idea that I just had to join in! I hope you will, too.

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